Kiku advises Luffy not to antagonize the Shinuchi, as the Beasts Pirates practically hold the entire town hostage.
He is certain that the three of them are thieves working under a man called Shutenmaru, but despite Luffy's obliviousness, Holed'em is convinced that his theory is correct. Holed'em taunts Luffy and accuses him of coveting Tama's ability for his own purposes. He orders Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku to do stand down, threatening to crush Tama under the lion's jaws. Holed'em bellows away on the rooftops as Kamijiro clutches Tama inside its mouth, while her friends in the street can do nothing but watch. Komachiyo rides Zoro and Kiku out of town.Ĭonflict continues to unfold in Bakura Town. Luffy rescues Tama from Holed'em and defeats him in battle. Hawkins also arrives but is stopped by Law.